Street Sweeper:
Young and Swartz offers a complete line of street brooms and sweeper style brushes. Made from the finest materials, our brushes come in strip, tube, gutter, wafer or custom shapes and sizes. Made with heavy duty poly, oil hardened steel wire, or custom blends, these brushes stand up to your toughest use. Many customers recycle their cores with us, conveniently dropping products off at our manufacturing facility, and then picking them up once we’ve cleaned and refilled their brushes. We also design and manufacture sweeping brushes for machine and conveyor belt use to move products in manufacturing. Give us a call, no matter how new or old your sweeping machine is.
BLOCK TYPES: Wood, Plastic, Metal, Aluminum, Composite, Split Cores
PRODUCTION: Staple Set, Hand Wire Drawn, Cable Channel Fill, Strip
FILL OPTIONS: Poly, Animal Hair, Natural Fibers, Steel Wire, Blends
TRIM OPTIONS: Varies - flat, flare, angle, beveled or specialty trims
Y&S CUSTOM: Available – call for Engineering Solutions and Quote
(716) 852-2171