Young & Swartz offers a large selection of hand-held and floor buffing pads, radial bristle & flap wheels, abrasive grit & nylon brushes good for sanding, cleaning, scuffing, deburring and polishing for satin or high gloss finish. Our brushes come in a variety of sizes designed to fit your production and cleaning needs. So whether you are finishing parts in the production line, cleaning a machine or polishing a floor, contact Y&S for your abrasive brush solutions.
BLOCK TYPES: Wood, Plastic, Steel, Composite
PRODUCTION: Staple Set, Twisted Wire, Hand Drawn, Channel
FILL OPTIONS: Wire, Stainless, Brass, Synthetic, Grit, Poly, Blend
TRIM OPTIONS: ¼” – 12” diameter (job & application specific)
Y&S CUSTOM: Available – call for Engineering Solutions and Quote
(716) 852-2171